The Window Source 4 Ways To Pay For Your Home Improvement Project New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine

We offer financing through Synchrony! Are you looking to update your home this spring? Maybe you want to replace old, leaky windows. Or, add a patio door to your kitchen to connect your indoor space to your outdoor living area. If you were like most homeowners, the one thing that probably stands in the way of your home improvements dreams is money.
Fortunately, homeowners that are looking for ways to pay for a home renovation project have many choices. Depending on your financial situation, you might be able to take obtain home renovation financing or use a credit card.
The best option for you just depends on your circumstances. Here are some of the most popular ways to pay for a home improvement project.
#1 Cash
If you have the cash available, this is obviously a great way to pay for home improvements. You don’t have to worry about making payments in the future. However, even if you do have the cash available, you may want to save it for other things. If so, then you might want to consider another option.
#2 Home Improvement Financing
Many home improvement retailers and contractors offer to finance. Look for 100% financing and zero interest. If you have good credit, this can be an excellent choice for you. You won’t have to use the equity in your home to get the loan. And, as long as you pay off the loan within the specified period, you won’t have to pay a dime in interest. This is a perfect option for homeowners that have the cash to make the payments and would like to spread out payments to fit their budget.
#3 Home Equity Line of Credit
A HELOC or home equity line of credit uses the equity in your home as collateral to secure the loan. This type of loan works like a revolving line of credit, which makes it a good choice if you have a lot of home improvements to make or other things that you would like to do. You can withdraw from your HELOC over time. So, for example, if you want to do a window replacement now and install a new heating and air conditioning unit next year, you could do that as long as you have the credit available. Your credit limit is usually based upon the available equity in your home. So, to qualify for a HELOC, you must have equity in your home.
#4 Reverse Mortgage
A reverse mortgage is a good option for you if you are 62 years of age and older and own your home outright. If you wish to remain in your home as you age, a reverse mortgage can be used to help you make improvements to your home. A reverse mortgage uses the equity that you have in your home to pay for the loan. It differs from a home equity loan because you are not required to pay it back until you sell your house.
If you have questions about financing a home improvement project in New Hampshire, Massachusetts or Maine, contact The Window Source. We can talk to about financing options that we have available.