The Window Source Meet Our Team: Professional Window Installers Leroy – Master Installer New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine

This is an entry in the category “Meet Our Team”. Click the category link above to meet the rest of our wonderful staff!
Master Installer
Meet another one of our Master installers: Leroy Charles!
Leroy was born in New Hampshire, but raised in upstate New York. He has been back here living in New Hampshire for over 15 years. Leroy is a husband and father of two wonderful children.
When we asked Matthew what he did in his spare time, he told us “In my spare time, I enjoy being with my family. I have a passion for restoring antique cars and trucks, and I enjoy the occasional ride on my motorcycle.”
Industry Experience
Leroy has been in the construction business for over 15 years. For about the last decade, Leroy has focused his career on installing replacement windows, residential and commercial doors, and vinyl siding.
We proud to have Leroy on our team. He is a hard worker and, in his own words, always gives 110% to every customer I work with to ensure all of their concerns are properly addressed!
“I look forward to working with you to make your home a warmer, safer, more comfortable place for you and your family!”
Meet The Staff
That concludes our first round of “Meet the Staff” posts here on The Window Source blog! Don’t wrory, though. There will be more in the future! As you can tell, we are extremely proud of our team and take every opportunity we can to appreciate them. Without these wonderful people we would not be the company that we are.
Thank you for reading our “Meet the Staff” posts! If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us. We would love to help you improve your home this season!